Aligarh man shot lifeless in visitors dispute


A property supplier in Aligarh shot lifeless a cattle dealer whereas he was on a drive along with his son over a visitors dispute late Friday night time, police mentioned.

According to the police, the automobiles of the sufferer Kamal Khan and the accused Vineet Kumar had come face-to-face on Maris Road. Suspecting Kumar to be drunk, he refused to budge. As the argument escalated, Kumar pulled out his licensed gun and shot Khan in entrance of his son.

Police mentioned Khan died on the way in which to the hospital.

“We had acquired data that there was an incident of firing on Maris Road. The sufferer was shot lifeless within the highway rage incident. The accused was recognized and arrested inside 24 hours. The members of the family had earlier suspected another person however the matter was resolved in time. “The last rites were performed after a brief protest,” an official of the Civil Lines police station mentioned.

Police officers mentioned Kumar, a property supplier, had obtained the arms license ten years in the past. Police mentioned he typically used to fireplace it throughout marriage ceremony ceremonies.

The sufferer’s household has registered an FIR in opposition to Khan’s spouse and different relations, suspecting that the homicide might have been a vendetta after a marital dispute.

Police mentioned tons of of individuals gathered on the sufferer’s village on Saturday to demand justice. The final rites had been carried out after the method was stopped twice by protesters.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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