Hidden in plain sight, a brand new snake with a ‘bindi’ on its head present in Assam


In 2007, Abhijit Das, pursuing his PhD, now a scientist on the Wildlife Institute of India, stumbled upon a snake whereas surveying the Barel Hill vary in Assam’s Cachar district. “I found it near a small evergreen forest stream and although I thought it looked different from the ones we usually see there, I had little evidence at the time,” he mentioned. Extensive surveys and genetic evaluation of Northeast India have now proven that the snake was truly a brand new species.

Although it has been beforehand seen in Tripura and Bangladesh, it has been mistaken for one more species. Rhabdophis himalayanus, and now genetic research have proven that the 2 are shut family.

the staff named it rhabdophis dot, as there was a pink mark on the posterior area “and reminiscent of the red beauty spot adorning the foreheads of Indian women and signifying the point of creation of the universe,” notes the paper revealed final week. zootaxa.

The 27 species of this genus are present in South, East and Southeast Asia. Snakes of the genus Rhabdophis are discovered to be venomous (they’ve a specialised ductal gland that accommodates toxins) and a few are venomous. According to biologists, venomous implies that toxins could be injected by a chunk/sting, whereas venomous means you may get the venom from consuming them.

A particular function of this new snake was the absence of nasal grooves and ductal glands. “These glands include cardiotonic steroid toxins often known as bufadienolides. These bufadienolides are extracted from toxic toads and reused as a defensive mechanism,” defined Moral G Patel, a PhD scholar at WII and one of many paper’s authors.

On common, women and men of the species measured roughly 730 mm and 697 mm in size, respectively. His physique was darkish brown, with some white and black markings and a peculiar pink mark on the highest of the neck. Asked whether or not this mark serves any goal, lead creator Dr. Das defined: “Members of the genus Rhabdophis have been observed to have a very distinct red band or distinct redneck. They spread this neck area almost like a cobra. This is called aposmatism, in which they advertise – ‘I am dangerous or poisonous, don’t come near me.'” Dr. Das mentioned. R. discovered it It was a really docile snake and didn’t attempt to chunk or assault, and extra examine is required to totally perceive the perform of the pink dot.

Considering its small and restricted habitat, the staff steered R. discovered it It is taken into account a susceptible species in keeping with the IUCN Red List standards. Dr. Das mentioned that presently its habitat is going through threats from encroachment and agricultural actions.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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